Post Surgery Instructions

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The healing process after surgery can be fast and uncomplicated if you follow the instructions below.

  • Bleeding: If bleeding occurs moisten and bite on a tea bag for 30 minutes (Black tea is best but not necessary).
  • Swelling: Some swelling is normal, however, if it continues to increase after 3 days, please contact the office or doctor on call for instruction. It may be an infection requiring antibiotics.
  • Pain: It is expected, as with any surgery, that you will experience some post-operative pain. It usually peaks after 12 hours, but may not totally subside for up to 5 days. See below for instructions on using pain medication.
  • Do not “suck” on the wound site and avoid drinking from a straw for the next few days.  You may disturb the blood clot, causing bleeding, slow healing, and/or bone pain called a “dry socket”.
  • Avoid eating hard foods, i.e. chips, popcorn, carrots, etc, for a few days.  This could disturb the healing.
  • Do not over-exert yourself during the next 24 hours.
  • We strongly recommend you refrain from smoking for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, you may gently rinse with warm saltwater (1 tsp salt 6 oz water) or other prescribed oral rinse like Perio RX.

Thank you for choosing Saratoga Dental for your surgical treatment needs.  Experience has shown that problems arise when patients feel restrained from contacting the doctor.  When issues arise, the sooner we know the more likely minimal intervention will be necessary.  Please don’t hesitate to contact our doctor on call.